- Chapter 1 : Pre Course Knowledge Evaluation (5 mins)
- Chapter 2 : Learning Objectives (1 mins)
- Chapter 3 : Skin Anatomy (50 mins)Lecture 1:Introduction to Skin AnatomyPrivateLecture 2:The Human SkinPrivateLecture 3:Microscopic Cross-Section Of The Human SkinPrivateLecture 4:The EpidermisPrivateLecture 5:Cells of The EpidermisPrivateLecture 6:Layers of the EpidermisPrivateLecture 7:Role Of The KeratinocytesPrivateLecture 8:Keratinocyte MovementPrivateLecture 9:MelanocytesPrivateLecture 10:Life Cycle Of The MelanocytePrivateLecture 11:Langerhans CellsPrivateLecture 12:The DermisPrivateLecture 13:Main Structures of The DermisPrivateLecture 14:Cells of the DermisPrivateLecture 15:Structural Support To The DermisPrivateLecture 16:Collagen FibresPrivateLecture 17:Elastin FibresPrivateLecture 18:Hyaluronic AcidPrivateLecture 19:Skin AppendagesPrivateLecture 20:The Dermis – Sweat GlandsPrivateLecture 21:The HypodermisPrivate
- Chapter 4 : Facial Anatomy (20 mins)
- Chapter 5 : Skin Ageing (20 mins)Lecture 1:The Aging FacePrivateLecture 2:Common Causes Of Aging SkinPrivateLecture 3:Intrinsic VS Extrinsic Factors Of AgingPrivateLecture 4:Younger Skin VS Older SkinPrivateLecture 5:WrinklesPrivateLecture 6:Difference Between Young And Old SkinPrivateLecture 7:Changes In Skin Anatomy With AgingPrivateLecture 8:Bone And Skin Anatomy Changes With AgePrivateLecture 9:Summary Of Aging Changes On The FacePrivate
- Chapter 6 : Skin Pigmentation (20 mins)Lecture 1:What Is The Role Of MelaninPrivateLecture 2:What Is the Role Of Melanin (2)PrivateLecture 3:Pigments And GeneticsPrivateLecture 4:Oxidative StressPrivateLecture 5:Defence Against Oxidative StressPrivateLecture 6:Causes Of PigmentationPrivateLecture 7:Hormones And PigmentationPrivateLecture 8:Photosensitive MedicationsPrivateLecture 9:Patterns Of PigmentationPrivate
- Chapter 7 : Common Pigmented Skin Conditions (35 mins)Lecture 1:IntroductionPrivateLecture 2:Freckles (Ephelides)PrivateLecture 3:Freckles And MC1R GenePrivateLecture 4:MelasmaPrivateLecture 5:PoikilodermaPrivateLecture 6:Hori’s NaevusPrivateLecture 7:Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH)PrivateLecture 8:Solar Lentigo (Sun Spots)PrivateLecture 9:Melanoma (Malignant Form Of Skin Cancer)PrivateLecture 10:Lentigo MalignaPrivateLecture 11:Patters Of Pigmentation: A SummaryPrivateLecture 12:Assessing Pigmentation: Wood’s LampPrivateLecture 13:Assessing Pigmentation: Wood’s Lamp (2)Private
- Chapter 8 : Skin Classification (30 mins)Lecture 1:Different Skin TypesPrivateLecture 2:The Fitzpatrick ScalePrivateLecture 3:The Fitzpatrick Scale (2)PrivateLecture 4:Fitzpatrick Scale QuestionnairePrivateLecture 5:Why Is Fitzpatrick ImportantPrivateLecture 6:Safety For Laser/IPL TreatmentsPrivateLecture 7:Glogau Skin ClassificationPrivateLecture 8:Glogau Skin Classification (2)PrivateLecture 9:4 Stages Of The Glogau Skin ScalePrivate
- Chapter 9 : Acne (45 mins)Lecture 1:AcnePrivateLecture 2:Pathogenesis Of Acne: Key FactorsPrivateLecture 3:Acne: Aggravating FactorsPrivateLecture 4:The Sebaceous GlandPrivateLecture 5:The Sebaceous Gland (2)PrivateLecture 6:Role Of SebumPrivateLecture 7:Types Of AcnePrivateLecture 8:ComedonesPrivateLecture 9:Inflammatory LesionsPrivateLecture 10:Propionibacterium Acnes BacteriaPrivateLecture 11:Benefit Of Propionibacterium AcnesPrivateLecture 12:Negative Impact Of Propionibacterium AcnesPrivateLecture 13:P-Acnes And InflammationPrivateLecture 14:Over CleansingPrivateLecture 15:The Endocrine (Hormonal) SystemPrivateLecture 16:HormonesPrivateLecture 17:How Hormones Cause AcnePrivateLecture 18:Acne: Classification By SeverityPrivateLecture 19:Treatment Of AcnePrivate
- Chapter 10 : How To Analyse Skin (30 mins)
- Chapter 11 : Determining Fundamental Skin Type (30 mins)
- Chapter 12 : Self Assessment (25 mins)
- Chapter 13 : Conducting A Skin Consultation (30 mins)Lecture 1:IntroductionPrivateLecture 2:Past History: Major Illnesses & PregnancyPrivateLecture 3:Past History: High Risk DisordersPrivateLecture 4:Past History: Circulatory/Vascular Disorders, Bruising and AsthmaPrivateLecture 5:Past History: Skin Conditions & Past Surgeries/ImplantsPrivateLecture 6:Issues Affecting The Endocrine SystemPrivateLecture 7:Important MessagePrivateLecture 8:Medication HistoryPrivateLecture 9:Lifestyle History: Cumulative UV ExposurePrivateLecture 10:Lifestyle History: NutritionPrivateLecture 11:Lifestyle History: Benefits Of A Good Nutritional HistoryPrivateLecture 12:Important Nutrients For The SkinPrivateLecture 13:Lifestyle History: Other RelevantPrivateLecture 14:Family HistoryPrivateLecture 15:Cosmetic HistoryPrivateLecture 16:Summary Of Skin ConsultationPrivate
- Chapter 14 : Conduction A Skin Examination (20 mins)Lecture 1:Skin Analysis SessionPrivateLecture 2:Setting Up A Consult RoomPrivateLecture 3:DermatoscopePrivateLecture 4:Obtain Informed ConsentPrivateLecture 5:Preparing For The Skin Analysis SessionPrivateLecture 6:Medical PhotographyPrivateLecture 7:Skin ExaminationPrivateLecture 8:Skin Examination (2)Private
- Chapter 15 : Self Assessment (5 mins)
- Chapter 16 : Skin Care (20 mins)
- Chapter 17 : Best Practices For Clinic Treatment (5 mins)
- Chapter 18 : Final Assessment (40 mins)
- Chapter 19 : Feedback Form (5 mins)
Course Description
Treatment planning description:
Location:3 Belmore Rd, Balwyn North VIC 3104, Australia
Date:Friday 12th February 2021
Time:9am to 5:30pm. Registrations at 8:30am
Do you ever look at a patient and wonder, where do I start?
Or have you had a patient say that they want to look better, and you find it hard to talk to them without being worried about offending them?
The best outcomes are based on assessing the whole face, because ageing and rejuvenation don’t just happen in one specific area. It is important for the treatment team to have an ability to make a detailed analysis and diagnosis for your patient. Our patients want us to address their concerns in a practical, logical and efficient way. As practitioners, we need to educate, motivate and work with our patients and team to achieve good facial aesthetic outcomes.
This course is aimed at analysing the face to determine the key changes that need to be addressed for best outcomes, the treatments available and the best treatment pathway. By the end of the day, you will learn how to plan treatments for your patients sequentially in a logical pattern, for natural results.
Course Components
After enrolling, you will receive immediate lifetime access to the online component of the workshop. You may preview the course content at the bottom of this page. You will need to review the material and pass the tests to complete the course before attending the hands-on workshop. During this process, you are encouraged to reach out with any questions. Completing this course may also help you with applying for insurance if you have not already, and deliver proper informed consent to your model prior to the practical training.
By the end of this course, you will have the ability to conduct a skin consultation and have a good, basic understanding of:
The workshop will cover important theory information and focus mainly on the.... much more. This is carried out in an actual medical aesthetics clinic, where health and safety standards are met according to local regulatory guidelines.
Aesthetics training requires more than just attending a workshop. You will need to build experience in order to ensure competency. After completing the workshop, you will have 6 months access to ongoing mentorship with our team of qualified trainers so that you have someone to reach out to should any challenges arise. You may also be able to come into their aesthetics practices to observe how real in-clinic treatments are carried out. This will open up more pathways to more advanced learning and help you build confidence in offering treatments independently.
This online module also focuses on basic cosmetic dermatology knowledge. Knowing this is crucial so that you can identify or recommend the appropriate cosmetic treatment for your patient. You will learn how to conduct an effective skin consultation, recognising when to refer on.
For beginners, this sets the basic foundation in cosmetic medicine, before embarking on learning about aesthetic treatments.
You will receive a Certificate of Completion for the online course and hands-on workshop respectively. Each certificate will reflect the relevant CPD hours which you will be able to apply under the self-study component with your regulatory body. You will receive 7 hours for the online course and 8 hours for the hands-on workshop.
Click on the "Enrol Now" button to sign up. After successful payment, you will receive a confirmation email and immediate access to the online course component which needs to be completed before attending the hands-on workshop.
You will also be sent a Welcome Pack via email within 1-2 business days which will contain more information about the workshop. Please call +61401 110 065 during office hours if you need any assistance.
Aesthetics and Skin Institute
Dr Giulia is the head dental advisor of Aesthetics and Skin Institute. Dr Giulia is a leader and visionary within the industry and owns her cosmetic business where she performs both dental and cosmetic treatments on a day to day basis. Her passion for this industry has led her to expand her career into training and embarking her knowledge and skills to others within the industry. Dr Giulia is also one of the authors of Anatomy for Injectors which is a global resource that enables to perform safer cosmetic injections.
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- Skin and Facial Anatomy
- Skin Analysis and Treatment Recommendations
- Skin Ageing
- Acne and Pigmentation
- Skin Consultation and Examination
Course Completion rule
- Traversal rule : None
- All lectures must be completed
- user must pass 75% of tests